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Re: Any easy way to change a string ? and a bug (or maybe a feature ?)

On 10/14/24 11:17, Benoît Minisini wrote:
Le 14/10/2024 à 19:06, Brian G a écrit :
I am pretty sure Ben would not like this but....

You are right. I hardly could imagine something more horrible. :-)

When I am using a string as a buffer I use the following function to modify it and resend it, It works with &hff as well

' Gambas module file

Extern memcpy(src As String, dest As String, len As Integer) As Pointer In "libc:6"

'' Position is 0  relative not 1, value may be numeric or a single character string
Public Sub setChar(var As String, value As Variant, position As Integer)

     Dim myValue As Byte
     Dim myPtr As Pointer

     If position < 0 Or position >= var.len Then
         Error.Raise(("Specified position out of bounds"))
     If TypeOf(value) = gb.string Then
         myValue = CByte(Asc(value[0]))
         myValue = CByte(value)
     myPtr = memcpy(var, var, 0)
     Byte@(myPtr + position) = myValue


Public Sub Main()

     Dim a As String = "hello world"

     Print a
     setChar(a, "g", 1)
     Print a
     setChar(a, &hff, 4)
     Print a

--------------- Output is
hello world
hgllo world
hgll? world
--------------- end output

I hope this helps and not confuses... works for me as needed

~~~~ Brian

Strings are immutable. If you modify them by circumventing the interpreter, it can lead to any crash at any moment.

If you need a byte buffer as as string, use OPEN STRING or Byte[].


Open string does not allow to seek and write to buffer position it always appends. so actually useless for buffer access/management.

But yes bad form to try to speed up message transfer by modifying an immutable string value.

Perhaps allowing [] to write to a position would be possible. As now we can read a value using [] from a string.

~~~~ Brian

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