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Re: ComboBox in IDE, for Properties/Group not working in GTK

Le 14/10/2024 à 15:48, System64 Development a écrit :
El 14/10/24 a las 15:03, Benoît Minisini escribió:
An old problem indeed. The font of the property sheet seems too big for GTK+.
Can you try to use a smaller font for the property sheet to see if it 
fixes the problem with GTK+? 
ok, I changed the font and reduced the font size to 70% but it still 
does not work.
Which font family do you use? Do you have global font scaling applied to 
your desktop?
Benoît Minisini.

Re: ComboBox in IDE, for Properties/Group not working in GTKSystem64 Development <64xcode@xxxxxxxxx>
ComboBox in IDE, for Properties/Group not working in GTKSystem64 Development <64xcode@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: ComboBox in IDE, for Properties/Group not working in GTKBenoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: ComboBox in IDE, for Properties/Group not working in GTKSystem64 Development <64xcode@xxxxxxxxx>