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Re: Object copy function question

Le 05/09/2024 à 20:56, Linus a écrit :

It seems that the ‘.copy()’ function available for an Array of Classes does not create a copy in a way the new copy has different pointers as reference but the same as the original Array.

So I guess use ‘.copy()’ for base type of array of objects/variables like String[], Integer[], etc, works as expected, but for an Array of Custom Classes not.


Class  CVarExpect

‘ Gambas class file

   Public Subject As String
   Public Expect As String
   Public ResponsesData as String
   Public Responses As String[]

Public Sub _new()

   Responses = New String[]


‘ ———————————————————

   Dim CVarExpertArray = New CVarExpect[]
   Dim NewCVarExpectArray = New CVarExpect[]

   NewCVarExpectArray = CVarExpertArray.Copy()

Can someone confirm that COPYING a custom Array of Classes doe not create a complete new Object but just create a new object that refer to the existing one ?

Thank you

Olivier Cruilles

Array.Copy() copies the contents of the array. If the array contents are objects references, the references are copied, not the objects themselves of course.


Benoît Minisini.

Re: Object copy function questionBruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>
Object copy function questionLinus <olivier.cruilles@xxxxxxxx>