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capture keycode in valuefield


I wanted to jump between fields in the GUI using Enter, Return, Down- and Up-Arrows. In textbox-fields it. it works, like this:

/Public Sub FLD_vorgabe_tbx_KeyPress()

  If Key.Code = Key.Enter Or Key.Code = Key.Return Or Key.Code = Key.Down Then FLD_kommentar_tba.SetFocus
  If Key.Code = Key.Up Then FLD_nachkomma_vbx.SetFocus


All 4 keys are captured. But in a valuebox field only enter and return are captured.

/Public Sub FLD_nachkomma_vbx_KeyPress()

  If Key.Code = Key.Enter Or Key.Code = Key.Return Or Key.Code = Key.Down Then FLD_vorgabe_tbx.SetFocus
  If Key.Code = Key.Up Then FLD_laenge_vbx.SetFocus


Do I make something wrong, or are the capturing of arrow-keys left out for some reason? (I tried with other keys too, none seem to work).

Thankful for any hint, kind regards, Dag

Re: capture keycode in valuefieldBruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>