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Wiki page on translating Gambas
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- Subject: Wiki page on translating Gambas
- From: gbWilly <gbWilly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:34:43 +0000
- To: Gambas Mailing List <user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
When it come to translating Gambas itself (so, not your own project) https://gambaswiki.org/edit/howto/translate-ide is about all there is on the wiki.
It is based on extracting Gambas source, translating and sending .po file to Benoit.
I wrote a complete new 'How to' named 'How to translate Gambas' (https://gambaswiki.org/wiki/howto/translate-gambas).
It is a complete step by step on how to translate for Gambas.
An overview of what to translate seemed useful. There now is an overview of what components, non components and files that need translation, as I notice that some parts are translated in many, others in little languages.
It gives the path in source code where to find all. So, for those doing translations check if you translated all (mime and desktop file are a forgotten item for example, only translated into 2 or 3 languages)
It gives the path in source code where to find all. So, for those doing translations check if you translated all (mime and desktop file are a forgotten item for example, only translated into 2 or 3 languages)
Somehow the @{index} doesn't want to work (see below), so if someone would have a look at what I do wrong (or maybe it takes time to index the page).

I plan on removing https://gambaswiki.org/edit/howto/translate-ide (if nobody minds) as it is of little use.
I also updated installation instructions for Ubuntu, LinuxMint, Raspbian and Debian.
For Debian I removed the instruction for Debian 9 and older and placed them in a new page named 'Debian deprecated instructions'
At the beginning of all pages I added a 'Last edited <date> by <name>' so when visiting the wiki you get an idea on how old the info is.
At the end of all pages I added a section 'Page revisions' so you can see what who has done to the page. This all for visitors who do not have access to historical information.
Re: Wiki page on translating Gambas | Benoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> |