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Re: terminalview black and white are inverted

On Sun, 12 May 2024 at 14:53, Bruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> According to xterm specs color codes ...
>             *Ps* = 3 0  ⇒  Set foreground color to Black.
>             *Ps* = 3 1  ⇒  Set foreground color to Red.
>             *Ps* = 3 2  ⇒  Set foreground color to Green.
>             *Ps* = 3 3  ⇒  Set foreground color to Yellow.
>             *Ps* = 3 4  ⇒  Set foreground color to Blue.
>             *Ps* = 3 5  ⇒  Set foreground color to Magenta.
>             *Ps* = 3 6  ⇒  Set foreground color to Cyan.
>             *Ps* = 3 7  ⇒  Set foreground color to White.
>             *Ps* = 3 9  ⇒  Set foreground color to default, ECMA-48 3rd.
> and then 4 n for background,
> TerminalView does black and white inverted. 0 is 7 and 7 is 0
> $ echo -e "\e[31;42m Red on Green \e[32;41m Green on Red \e[30;47m Black on white \e[
> 40;37m White on black \e[0m"
> see pic for result
> Some investigating and it looks like it's translating 0 to TerminalView.Foreground and 7 to Background instead of being white and black.
> Is there a way to force 0 to be black and 7 be white?
> It does not seem a common standard practice on all terminals
> (checked on mate-terminal and konsole where it actually prints black or white)
> Respects
> BruceS
Looks like there is not a way, So I got around it by adding a
TerminalView.AdaptiveForeground property.
If True (the default) it uses original method.

If false it does not do the Color.Invert() lines in
If hView.AdaptiveForeground And If bDarkBackground Then iBg =
Color.Invert(iBg, True)

Then oddly by doing that i found the "bright" colors to actually be darker?
so i had to add a method to change the values of TerminalScreen $aColor
array 0-15 to adapt to original way or true color way.

So my terminal now has an option to unset the AdaptiveForeground property
and use 0=black and 7=white or be adaptive as per original code.
(see screenshot)

I think it should at least be a TerminalView option. i think a script could
assume 0 is supposed to be black and thus rendering wrong shades..


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terminalview black and white are invertedBruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>