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Re: Class keyword

Le 03/05/2024 à 13:16, Mayost Sharon a écrit :

I am trying to learn the source code of GRIDVIEW

At the beginning of the GridView.Class file
In the third line it says: Class TableView
Inherits UserControl
Class TableView

Is it possible to get an explanation of what this line means?
According to the documentation TableView is an inheritance of GridView
And so I had trouble understanding what it was about

Thank you

"Class TableView" just tells the compiler that it must not raise an error if it encounters the TableView class name.

This is used at line 375 to draw the grid differently if the GridView ia is actually a TableView. It's a bad trick. :-)


Benoît Minisini.

Re: Class keywordBrian G <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Class keyword"Mayost Sharon" <sharon@xxxxxxxxx>