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Re: odd results on wiki Date() page

loool , sorry folks I'm an idiot.

The run code shows on top of the original example so i was looking at the
wrong data :-\

More coffee required.....  ;)


On Fri, 26 Apr 2024 at 10:52, Bruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Now this i do not understand.
> On the wiki Date page there are some code examples.
> the first 2 examples have some identical code...
> *Print* *Date**(*1972*,* 9*,* 6*,* 1*,* 5*,* 17*)*
> But when they print the month and day are reversed in the examples , of
> the very same command ??
> See image where i've hit the "Run" button on both examples to get the
> oddly different results.
> Respects
> BruceS

Re: odd results on wiki Date() page"Jose J. Rodriguez" <joe1962@xxxxxxxxx>
odd results on wiki Date() pageBruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>