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Re: [Gambas-user] Registering on the bugtracker

Le 03/03/2024 à 19:50, Benoît Minisini a écrit :
Le 03/03/2024 à 16:53, Gianluigi a écrit :

a friend of ours from the Italian forum tried to register on the
bugtracker without success.
Has something changed?


Mmm... I tried to register and I confirm that I didn't receive the confirmation e-mail. :-(

OK, the confirmation mail was in my spam box at my mail provider.

I clicked on the confirm link, and my registration was successful, as expected.

So no problemm for registering on my side!

Benoît Minisini.

----[ http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/netiquette ]----

[Gambas-user] Registering on the bugtrackerGianluigi <gradobag@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [Gambas-user] Registering on the bugtrackerBenoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>