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[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2909: Tableview Select() does not select


Comment #4 by Christof THALHOFER:

Ok, so it is a bug with a somehow positive effect by accident? In my case it made my software less usable because it relied on the old behavior.

My software has a form with three table views, which you can switch between with the Tab key. Each TableView selected the first row as soon as it got the focus (and the row contained data). I never found this to be illogical.

I personally would prefer "WE DO NOT BREAK USERSPACE!". If I am the only one who's software breaks with the new behavior I have no problem to change this software as I deploy it only in my firm.

But I still find the new behavior illogical. Because when I want that a table containing a couple of rows with data selects the first row when it gets the focus (which is in 99.99 percent what the programmer and the user expects) then I have to add two lines of code (???).

And I doubt that this new behavior is documented well enough so that it is clear to every programmer. I bet that in one year I will have forgotten our conversation and then I will search for a long time until I find out what I have to do so that the table selects the first line when it gets the focus.

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