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[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2901: Packages dependies (step 7 of packager)


Comment #2 by Willy RAETS:

Attached the source of a simple commandline application depending on gb-libgb3base 0.1.13 or higher and lower that 1.99.99.
I also made a .deb file with the packager and if you open it an go to the control file you will see that it is << 0.1.90.
I have added the library executable, in case you need it.


Attachment: PackageProblem-0.0.1.tar.gz

Attachment: packageproblem_0.0.1-1_all.deb

Attachment: LibGb3Base.gambas

Willy RAETS changed the state of the bug to: Accepted.

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