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[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2894: Creating a new project and using "Create in another window..." button results in garbled form


Comment #8 by Benoît MINISINI:

> Interestingly, I cannot install Gambas3 on new installs for both Ubuntu 23.10 and 24.04.
> On Ubuntu 23.10, I get this error: [...]

Sometimes you must first uninstall all Gambas package before reinstalling the new one.

> On Ubuntu 24.04, I get this error: [...]

This is another problem: Ubuntu changed some packages just before the release, and the current packages of the stable PPA depends on packages that do not exist anymore.

Can you try to install the development packages from the daily PPA (not the stable PPA)? Normally the problem is fixed in that PPA. That way we will see if you still have the bug with very latest development version. I'd like to know before releasing Gambas 3.19.2.

> However, I see the bug status has transitioned to Accepted.  Hopefully this means the additional PPA info helped you reproduce the error.

No, it's automatic as soon as you answer.

Benoît MINISINI changed the state of the bug to: NeedsInfo.

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