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[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2857: IDE texteditor html previewer errors often


Comment #2 by Bruce STEERS:

it seems to be any and every html/md file but it only occurs when IDE is gtk3 not with qt5

I fixed by adding a Try to line 1826 of FTextEditor.class...

    If $bPreviewReady Then $hPreview.ExecJavascript("goto_line(" & CStr($hEditor.Line) & ");")

changed to

    If $bPreviewReady Then Try $hPreview.ExecJavascript("goto_line(" & CStr($hEditor.Line) & ");")

but my guess would be that $bPreviewReady should probably be false if pending event so there's a different issue going on with gtk.

also you can see in the clip gambas gets locked up and i cannot cancel the message, i have to use a command i made to kill all gambas3 tasks to close the ide.



Attachment: screenrecord-2024-03-06_12.11.06.mp4

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