<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=UTF-8">
That is because you are using a web browser instead of an FTP client like cute-ftp. My server will not support using a browser for FTP. FTP clients are freely available and once you download and install, simply try again. The server is working and being hit quite a bit.<BR>
good luck<BR>
I can't connect to your server :(.<BR>
Could you put it in some other place, or mail it to me?<BR>
2005/10/13, John Rittinghouse <<A HREF="mailto:jr@...1160...">jr@...1160...</A>>:<BR>
> The finished version of the book "A Beginner's Guide to Gambas" is<BR>
> available for download.<BR>
> I have created a special account for Gambas users to login and download it<BR>
> directly<BR>
> from my server. Here are the details:<BR>
> ftp to <<A HREF=""></A>><BR>
> login: gambas<BR>
> pwd: gambas<BR>
> This will allow anyone in the Gambas community to download the pdf version<BR>
> of the book.<BR>
> It has been my pleasure to work with Gambas and to contribute this book to<BR>
> the Gambas user community.<BR>
> Comments, suggestions, criticisms, etc. can be sent directly to me at<BR>
> jr@...1160... . The download<BR>
> site also includes all the sample code used in the book. The printed<BR>
> version of the book should be available<BR>
> in about 6-8 weeks. I hope you all find it useful and enjoy it.<BR>
> kind regards,<BR>
> John W. Rittinghouse, Ph.D., CISM<BR>
-- Yahoo!ID : ar1ef_310<BR>
-- <A HREF="http://www.silentstudio.net">http://www.silentstudio.net</A>