Hi Benoit,<br><br>I am still working on just getting a single function version of a component to compile and be recognized by Gambas3. <br><br>I am using Ubuntu 10.10 and 10.04 (two machines). I have used a dozen or more gb.gsl.conf file but I am including <br>
my work here as to tar files for your review. I truly want to understand this process so I can contribute not only gsl but<br>convert my tidy library to a c compiled component and would love to do others components as well. <br>
<br>I can compile my component without error but Gambas never seems to find it. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.<br><br>I am including the component source files and the template config for your review. I am sure I have missed something.<br>
<br> <br clear="all"><br>-- <br>If you ask me if it can be done. The answer is YES, it can always be done. The correct questions however are... What will it cost, and how long will it take?<br>