Hello all.<br><br>I need advice on two Issues.<br>Background: The tarball works ok except for issue number one.<br><br>1) Within the gb.sdl component libglu is improperly assumed to be in $libdir but is deeper down the dir tree.<br>
<br>On my system I find this:<br>[s6v@...632... ~]$ pkg-config glu --libs<br>-L/usr/lib64/xorg.mesa.3d/ -lGLU -lGL -lm -lX11 -lpthread -lXext<br><br> 2) When trying to create a binary pkg for Foresight Linux the build passes and the install is to a protected $destdir called _ROOT_. The resulting change-set is applied to my system for testing but the gambas2 command fails with:<br>
<br>ERROR: #49: Not a directory: /usr/bin/gambas2/.project<br><br>I suspect there is a problem with the libraries linking to the $destdir.<br><br>A complete build log is available here:<br><a href="http://pastebin.ca/1445341">http://pastebin.ca/1445341</a><br>